Just another tech blog
Monday, 30 January 2012
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Friday, 11 March 2011
Messaging Presentation
Here some slides about Messaging, AMQP, RabbitMQ. This slides are part of a small tech talk and includes the example from my previous post.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
RabbitMQ and Node.js Websockets experiment
I've been experimenting with Rabbitmq and Node.js support for Websockets.
The idea is just have a backend to generate random numbers (0-10) and plot the numbers in a realtime graph with websockets.
For that we going to use a Publish/Subscriber model with AMQP and RabbitMQ. The backend (aka Groovy Script) publish the numbers in a exchange. And the suscriber (aka Node.js with Socket io) get the messages from the queue and push the messages in the web browser.
Here Groovy Script
to put messages in the exchange "stockExchange". It generates 1 message per 300 miliseconds !!!!
Here the client code, that use smoothiecharts to render the graph with Websockets
And here Node JS code that suscribes to an AMQP and send each message to the browsers
The idea is just have a backend to generate random numbers (0-10) and plot the numbers in a realtime graph with websockets.
For that we going to use a Publish/Subscriber model with AMQP and RabbitMQ. The backend (aka Groovy Script) publish the numbers in a exchange. And the suscriber (aka Node.js with Socket io) get the messages from the queue and push the messages in the web browser.

to put messages in the exchange "stockExchange". It generates 1 message per 300 miliseconds !!!!
Here the client code, that use smoothiecharts to render the graph with Websockets
And here Node JS code that suscribes to an AMQP and send each message to the browsers
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Projects to pay attention in 2011
Just before hollidays I want to share, my list of projects that I'm going to follow and I'll try to use it or test it in 2011.
Yahoo S4 The new Hadoop, for MapReduce and realtime processing, it seems to be really promissing, to process Twitter or to trying to do web analitycs.
Elastic Search Really good competitor for Solr, with amazing fetaures, based in Lucene and with NoSQL philosophy.
Apache Mahout Machine learning for Hadoop, I'd like to build recommendation systems.
Jetty Websocket Support. The new HTML5 support to do some kind of game or collaborative web site.
MongoDB I love this database, I hope I can use it in my next webproject.
Yahoo S4 The new Hadoop, for MapReduce and realtime processing, it seems to be really promissing, to process Twitter or to trying to do web analitycs.
Elastic Search Really good competitor for Solr, with amazing fetaures, based in Lucene and with NoSQL philosophy.
Apache Mahout Machine learning for Hadoop, I'd like to build recommendation systems.
Jetty Websocket Support. The new HTML5 support to do some kind of game or collaborative web site.
MongoDB I love this database, I hope I can use it in my next webproject.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Monday, 19 January 2009
Fainit and Facebook Connect
I told that I wouldn't develop more features in Fainit, but this one can help to create community and increase the number of users. Because of this, last week I've been developing Facebook Connect in Fainit.
As a jump start I used Grails Facebook Connect Plugin. Later, if you remember what I did with OpenId and JSecurity, are exactly the same steps with Facebook Connect.
And now you can login in Fainit with your Facebook account, or associate an existing user account to your Facebook account in your profile.
As well, your recommendations can appear in your wall like this:
Enjoy new feature!!
As a jump start I used Grails Facebook Connect Plugin. Later, if you remember what I did with OpenId and JSecurity, are exactly the same steps with Facebook Connect.
And now you can login in Fainit with your Facebook account, or associate an existing user account to your Facebook account in your profile.

Enjoy new feature!!
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Grails: OpenSearch in Fainit
This week I've been improving Fainit. One of the features that I've added is OpenSearch, it's really easy in Grails.
The result is that you can add a search engine in firefox, and search in the site like in this screenshot:

First you have to create a controller to server XML for OpenSearch:
To be more user friendly add a mapping in URLMappings.groovy
Next you have to do a template _site_osd.gsp to server XML descriptor
And the last step is add Opensearch descriptor to your main layout (main.gsp) in the head section,, like this:
And that's it, really easy and good result.
The result is that you can add a search engine in firefox, and search in the site like in this screenshot:

First you have to create a controller to server XML for OpenSearch:
def site_osd = {
render(template: '/common/site_osd', contentType:"text/xml")
"/site_osd"(controller:'home', action: 'site_osd')
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">
<Url type="text/html" method="get" template="${createLink(controller: 'search', absolute: true)}?q={searchTerms}"/>
<link rel="search" href="${createLink(controller:'home',action:'site_osd')}" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="${message(code:'search.opensearch.title2')}"/>
Monday, 1 December 2008
Coming Soon Fainit

Have you ever looked for a plumber? Do you know the best restaurant in your city? Do you ask your friends to know the best services and places?
I've been working the whole past month in a collaboratively site to share the best places and services with your friends and with the world. Now I have the first beta, the chosen name is fainit.com, it's a really beta service and for this period I have a limited number of users, try to register and start to share your recommendations.
Behind fainit there is a grails project, and great experience developing my first social network.
Enjoy the site and send me feedback.
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