Saturday, 23 June 2007


I have three weeks!!!. One week to travel, and two weeks to be with my friends, go to the beach and whatever I want.
Goodbye work!!!

Sunday, 10 June 2007

My Web 2.0 favorite apps

One thing I like to do is test Web 2.0 applications. Ajaxian is in my favorite feeds. But there are three applications that change my habits in the Web.

  • Delicious. All that things that could be interesting I save in delicious. And my network is one of best source of really interesting things.
  • Google Reader. Previously I used to read my feeds in Thunderbird at home and work, and I had to mark as a read many many feeds in both sites. Google Reader it's very useful with two clicks on firefox I have a new feed, and I share my starred items.
  • Usually, I listen many music at work, and help me to find new groups, and share with my friends. My profile tells me who are my favorite groups now. The Killers and Coldplay, are winning.

Saturday, 2 June 2007

JSR 181 Web Service

In the last post I have used simple Web Service to test Spring-WS. Now I'm going to explain the implementation of this service.
The service is based in XFire and JSR 181 annotations.

First, the Book class, that represent the model.

package net.dahernan.model;

public class Book {

protected String title;
protected String isbn;
protected String author;
protected Double price;

// ... getters and setters

Next, the BookService class (yeah a class not an interface).

package net.dahernan.service;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;

import net.dahernan.model.Book;

public class BookService {

protected Book getMockBook(){
Book book = new Book();
book.setAuthor("Matt Raible");
book.setTitle("Spring Live");
return book;

protected List getMockBooks(){
List result = new ArrayList();
Book book = new Book();
book.setAuthor("Matt Raible");
book.setTitle("Spring Live");

book = new Book();
book.setAuthor("Martin Fowler");
book.setTitle("Planning Extreme Programming");
return result;

public Book findBook(@WebParam(name="isbn")String isbn) {
Book book = this.getMockBook();
return book;

public List getBooks() {
return getMockBooks();


The class is annotated with @WebService. The first two methods are Mocks, and "getBooks" and "findBooks" are the methods exposed in service.

It's good practice annotate the result with @WebResult and the parameters with @WebParams to obtain an human readable WSDL.

Finally, the services.xml to configure my POJO.

<service xmlns="">

<bean id="config"
<property name="defaultExtensibleElements" value="false" />
<property name="defaultExtensibleAttributes" value="false" />
<property name="defaultNillable" value="false" />
<property name="defaultMinOccurs" value="1" />

<bean name="jsr181ServiceFactory"
<constructor-arg ref="xfire.transportManager" index="0" />
<constructor-arg ref="config" index="1"
type="org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.Configuration" />


The generated WSDL looks like a contract-first WSDL ;)