Saturday, 25 August 2007

Appfuse and the cost to start a new project

Long time ago that I use appfuse for my web applications projects, it's fantastic (thanks Matt).
Appfuse 2.0 is based in maven, and is one of the best improvements, this change add modularity to appfuse, the code of appfuse is in various modules (jars and wars). With this changes it loose some scope about what appfuse does and I have to run "mvn appfuse:fullsource" to view all source, and customize some classes.

Although appfuse do hard work to start, always is unavoidable make some changes to start, for example in last project I have to:
  • Update Jetty maven plugin for scan patterns.
  • Customize some Appfuse classes.
  • Customize some i18n features.
  • Add Spring Web Flow.
  • Customize CSS and Layout.
  • Delete struts-menu (with a simple menu.jsp it's enough for me).
  • Update some dependencies and resources.
  • Add some maven plugins like compress javascript and export database.
Some tasks are due to appfuse doesn't support a feature yet, and some are due to my personal requirements but the cost to start a new project it's too high yet.

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Playing with Inkscape

This is two samples that I have created with excelent ilustration software Inkscape.

I have followed some tutorials from Inkscape Tutorials and some screencast. It's really easy create simple and elegant icons.

The design isn't incompatible with backend development

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Are social networks useful?

In other post I said that networks like delicious, had changed my habits in internet. I have read some entries about the wonderful Linkedin and Facebook, and I have decided to test them.

First, I have tested Facebook and tried to do contacts. I don't trust to give my email password, and I searched contacts manually but I don't felt lucky, not found any friend.

Next, Linkedin. I searched contacts who had worked with me and I found four contacts, but today no one has added me to his network, I don't believe that they really use Linkedin. If somebody wants to add me to his network this is my profile in Linkedin.

In general, the I don't have good impressions about this networks. The interface of this sites it's too complicated, there are too many options. I prefer the minimalist of delicious, maybe when I have more contacts, it could be useful, but nowadays the best network is my delicious network.