Sunday, 16 September 2007

Tip: Put result in session in Spring Web Flow

So, another tip with Spring Web Flow. Sometimes it's necessary put a result of bean-action in scope session, but in SWF 1.X doesn't have this feature, but you can make a simple action to do the work.

First, the flow definition:

<action-state id="saveProject">
<bean-action bean="projectManager" method="save">
<argument expression="flowScope.project" />
<method-result name="project" scope="request"/>
<transition on="success" to="putInSession" />

<action-state id="putInSession">
<action bean="putInSessionAction">
<attribute name="sessionKey" value="project" />
<transition on="success" to="finish"/>

I call a bean-action "saveProject" and I put the result in request with key "project". Next, I execute the action "putInSession" and I set the attribute "sessionKey" with the value of the key "project", this mean thay the object to save in session is in the request with this key.

With this convention, here the Action implementation:

public class PutInSessionAction implements Action{

public Event execute(RequestContext context) throws Exception {

String key = (String) context.getAttributes().get("sessionKey");
Object value = context.getRequestScope().get(key);
context.getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put(key, value);

return new Event(this, "success");


This simple Action gets the object from the request and puts in session.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Tip: Output a success message in a subflow in Spring Web Flow

In Ajax applications is common output a success or error message (like Google Mail interface). With Spring Web Flow I can define subflows to do commons things and reuse parts of the application but if I want to output a success message, the natural way it's to define a view state.

This tip shows other way to output a message.

I have a subflow to add a new company.

<start-state idref="enterCompanyData"/>

<view-state id="enterCompanyData" view="people/ajax/company_add">
<action bean="formAction" method="setupForm" />
<transition on="submit" to="saveCompany">
<action bean="formAction" method="bindAndValidate" />

<action-state id="saveCompany">
<bean-action bean="companyManager" method="save">
<argument expression="" />
<transition on="success" to="finish">
<set attribute="message" value="'company.addCompany.success'" />

<end-state id="finish">
<mapping source="requestScope.message" target="message" />

When I save a company in the action state "saveCompany", I set an atttibute named "message" with a value of String 'company.addCompany.success' (with a single quotes, otherwise the expression language thinks that is a Java Bean), this value is a key for i18n.

In the end state "finish", I have to map the attribute message to the output.

Next, in the root flow, I have to capture the message and put in the flash scope.

<subflow-state id="companyAdd" flow="company-add-flow"> 
<mapping source="message" target="flashScope.message"/>
<transition on="finish" to="companyList" />

Putting the message in the flash scope, allow to view the message until next event.

And the last step is show the message in JSP, you have to include this code, in all view states.

<c:if test="${not empty message}">
<fmt:message key="${message}"/>