For this I have various options, I can modify the actual paginated taglib or the option I've chosen, hack with prototype observe the links generated by paginate tag.
To make easy, I've used observe tag, to capture clicks events, let's go with the example of list.gsp:
You have to wrap your list with div for this example 'ajax_wrap' to refresh with Ajax calls.
<div id="ajax_wrap">
<div class="list">
<g:render template="archive" collection="${archiveList}" var="archive"/>
<div class="paginateButtons">
<g:paginate action="list" total="${Archive.count()}" />
<g:observe classes="${['step','prevLink','nextLink']}" event="click" function="clickPaginate"/>
Here function handler defnition:
function clickPaginate(event){
var link = event.element();
if(link.href == null){
new Ajax.Updater(
{ success: $('ajax_wrap') },
evalScripts: true
With this you have an elegant way to make your list paginated effortlessly
Nice Post,
I tried your example and the pagination works like it should.
But I wonder why the pagination-buttons below my list wont update their appearance according to my clicks. If I load the page for the first time, the pagination-button "1" is down as expected, but if I click another one, nothing changes, "1" is still down, the current one not.
Do you have a workaround what I'm missing or doing wrong?
Regards, Fiesa
Notice that g:paginate it's included in div ajax_wrap for this reason the buttons should be updated.
thx a lot for your (incredibly fast) advice, works as described!
perfection! thank you!
(although I kind of wanted to hack that taglib)
Do i need to install prototype lib to make it working as you are using protype 'observe'
@Dev - Prototype is already installed in Grails by default
Thanks dahernan for quick reply .you rock!
dahernan++ Thanks for contributing this.
thanks a lot of your advice
it is, what i look for.
but please add the template and controller code. thx
Can you please suggest how to do the same, i.e., hack paginate, using jQuery ?
I am unable to use <g:observe tag. Kindly suggest in which version it is defined or is there any additional plugin required for the same.
I want to use <g:paginate kind of AJAX Call as I dont want to refresh entire screen
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