To do my deploy script I use Gant, with Grails support. To deploy War in Jetty you have two options:
- Static. To do in static way you only have to copy your War to "webapps" directory and restart container.
- Hot deploy. I prefer hot deploy to avoid restart container and I have to copy War in "webapps" directory and generate XML with context description.
To generate XML, Groovy is fantastic I mix some withWriter closure to generate the head of the document, and MarkupBuilder to do the hard work.
And this is the script:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsClassUtils as GCU
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
grailsHome ="environment.GRAILS_HOME"
includeTargets << new File ( "${grailsHome}/scripts/War.groovy" )
target('default': "Deploy war in server") {
// avoid War with dots (problems with static deploy)
def warTmp = "${grailsAppName}.war"
Ant.copy(file:warName, tofile:warTmp)
def dir = "/opt/jetty"
def host = ""
def port = "22"
def user = "myuser"
def dsa = "${basedir}/scripts/key/id_dsa"
def swriter = new StringWriter()
def xml = new MarkupBuilder(swriter)
xml.Configure('class': "org.mortbay.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext") {
Set(name: 'contextPath','/')
Set(name: 'war'){
SystemProperty(name: 'jetty.home', default: '.')
Set(name: 'defaultsDescriptor'){
SystemProperty(name: 'jetty.home', default: '.')
def xmlDescriptor = "${basedir}/${grailsAppName}.xml"
new File(xmlDescriptor).withWriter{ writer ->
writer << '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>\r\n'
writer << '<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Mort Bay Consulting//DTD Configure//EN" "">\r\n'
writer << swriter.toString()
writer << '\r\n'
echo "Deploying files to remote: ${host}"
scp(file: warTmp, todir: "${user}@${host}:${dir}/webapps", keyfile:"${dsa}", port:"${port}", passphrase:"", trust:"true")
scp(file: xmlDescriptor, todir: "${user}@${host}:${dir}/contexts", keyfile:"${dsa}", port:"${port}", passphrase:"", trust:"true")
echo "Finished :)"
I have an issue with hot deploy in Jetty and Grails (if anyone can help?) , but the script works well :D
Interesting post. You could probably get more mileage out of your code by using something like the Cargo Ant tasks, which allow for hot deployment across multiple containers...
Just a thought :
Yeah, is true.
I usually use Cargo with maven plugin in Java EE projects, but it's interesting and good idea do a grails cargo plugin.
Thanks, I hadn't thought in Cargo.
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