Monday 20 October 2008

Grails: Hacking JSecurity plugin to supports OpenId

I'm currently developing an application for my new brand company and I'd like that supports authentication with username and password , and OpenId.

I could install Acegi Grails Plugin, but I'm very happy using JSecurity, ok no problem let's hack.
First, I have to install OpenId Plugin to support OpenId authenticantion, with this plugin I can manage login process and get openid identifier for OpenId users.

With JSecurity installed and done QuickStart, I need to pass Openid identifier in auth process, for this I've created class OpenIdContextHolder to save in a ThreadLocal context.
class OpenIdContextHolder{

private static final ThreadLocal openIdContextHolder = new ThreadLocal();

static void resetContext() {

static def getOpenIdIdentifier(){

static void setOpenIdIdentifier(id){

Now I have to hack AuthController to manage openid issues. The trick is when a user try to signIn, if I recive an OpenId identifier from OpenId Plugin then I put it in OpenIdContextHolder.

def login = {
return redirect(action:'signIn')

return [ username: params.username, rememberMe: (params.rememberMe != null), targetUri: params.targetUri ]

def signIn = {
// if is logged with openid set contextholder
def openId = openidService.getIdentifier(session)
params.rememberMe = true
params.username = openId
params.password = "nullpass"
def authToken = new UsernamePasswordToken(params.username, params.password)

// continues the default generated code...
// ...
Next step is update JsecDbRealm generated. I have to retrieve OpenId identifier from ContextHolder, and lookup in my domain objects. I use the trick to register my openId users in JScecurity with the password 'secret' but if anyone try to access with username and password in this kind of users, I throw an Exception.
def authenticate(authToken) { "Attempting to authenticate ${authToken.username} in DB realm..."

// experimental!!
def openid = OpenIdContextHolder.getOpenIdIdentifier()
OpenIdContextHolder.resetContext() "OpenIdContextHolder request with openid: ${openid}"
def openidUser = User.findByOpenid(openid)
if (!openidUser)
throw new UnknownAccountException("No account found for user [${username}]") "Jsecurity with Openid ${openidUser.username} : ${openidUser.openid}"
authToken.password = 'secret'
authToken.username = openidUser.username
}else {
def openidUser = User.findByUsername(authToken.username)
// trying to access with password for openid user "Jsecurity: Trying to access with password for user: ${openidUser.username} : ${openidUser.openid}"
throw new IncorrectCredentialsException("Invalid password for openid user '${authToken.username}', try to use openid instead user:password")

def username = authToken.username
// continues the default generated code...
// ...
The last step is redirect, openid users to signIn controller after logged (you only have to change it in OpenId Plugin).

And that's all folks.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post.
I followed the steps and managed to get JSecurity working with Facebook Connect.

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for this solution.

Could you please detail the last step for the facebook-connect case:
redirect user to sigbnIn after loggin in?

Thank you very much.
